As I mentioned previously, I had the opportunity to go into NYC last week to be a panelist at Fitness Magazine's recent Meet & Tweet blogger event. I was in fabulous I'm-not-worthy company of some other fabulous speakers for the day, from Brett Hoebel to Rocco DiSpirito to Dr. Jennifer Ashton, author of Your Body Beautiful. So before and after my short 30-minute panel session, I was listening attentively to all of the expertise the others had to share. Always inspiring. Public speaking isn't my forte---I'm much more comfortable behind a computer screen---but I actually had a blast sharing my expertise on making our blog a business. Good things usually happen when we push ourselves out of our comfort zone. Whether you're talking workouts or work, doing something that scares you a little is good for you now and then. You get to prove to yourself that you can do something new, and it makes you more comfortable the next time you get the opportunity. Besides, as I kept looking out at the crowd of fitness bloggers, I kept thinking: These girls are me! These are my peeps. Any time I'd get nervous thinking about the day, I'd remember that I was one of these girls, writing every day, hoping that people out there were hearing our message. I'd remind myself that this is the company I want to keep---no offense to all of the wonderful people I met while writing about cranes and backhoes and construction equipment back in my pre-full-time FBG days. But as I said during the panel, I definitely feel much more at home in this work environment than I have in past work lives. I spent the remainder of the day chatting with other bloggers, checking out the sponsors and doing a kick-ass workout (more on those bits of inspiration to come). But the whole day reminded me that sometimes, in life and in workouts (that's the theme here), you need to do something different. If you're feeling bored with the same-old, same-old, spice it up. Make a new recipe. Attend a wellness seminar or live event. Take a totally new workout class that you know will make you uncomfortable. Inspiration is out there, and if you haven't seen it in awhile, make sure you go find it! Do you seek out inspiration when you're feeling unmotivated? ---Erin
As I mentioned previously, I had the opportunity to go into NYC last week to be a panelist at Fitness Magazine's recent Meet & Tweet blogger event. I was in fabulous I'm-not-worthy company of some other fabulous speakers for the day, from Brett Hoebel to Rocco DiSpirito to Dr. Jennifer Ashton, author of Your Body Beautiful. So before and after my short 30-minute panel session, I was listening attentively to all of the expertise the others had to share. Always inspiring. Public speaking isn't my forte---I'm much more comfortable behind a computer screen---but I actually had a blast sharing my expertise on making our blog a business. Good things usually happen when we push ourselves out of our comfort zone. Whether you're talking workouts or work, doing something that scares you a little is good for you now and then. You get to prove to yourself that you can do something new, and it makes you more comfortable the next time you get the opportunity. Besides, as I kept looking out at the crowd of fitness bloggers, I kept thinking: These girls are me! These are my peeps. Any time I'd get nervous thinking about the day, I'd remember that I was one of these girls, writing every day, hoping that people out there were hearing our message. I'd remind myself that this is the company I want to keep---no offense to all of the wonderful people I met while writing about cranes and backhoes and construction equipment back in my pre-full-time FBG days. But as I said during the panel, I definitely feel much more at home in this work environment than I have in past work lives. I spent the remainder of the day chatting with other bloggers, checking out the sponsors and doing a kick-ass workout (more on those bits of inspiration to come). But the whole day reminded me that sometimes, in life and in workouts (that's the theme here), you need to do something different. If you're feeling bored with the same-old, same-old, spice it up. Make a new recipe. Attend a wellness seminar or live event. Take a totally new workout class that you know will make you uncomfortable. Inspiration is out there, and if you haven't seen it in awhile, make sure you go find it! Do you seek out inspiration when you're feeling unmotivated? ---Erin